I have some hope, Maybe electing a black liberal president will end the stupid political correctness we have been enduring. Maybe, black people will stop living in the past and join the struggle to make a better live for themselves. Maybe Illegal Mexicans will become US Citizens and they too melt in to the melding pot that is this great people. Maybe all the various factions of separatism will die and join with us and become united as we should. As in the past, United we stand divided we fall.
I stand as a true American, No mater what, I Love Freedom. I pray to God above, as I have in the past, that my president will make good decisions. I will perform what ever service I can to progress the cause of freedom And fight socialism and Communism from infiltrating this land that I love.
I take courage that we have many in America who will fight with me to make this land a better place. Standing up for what is right and resist national measures that would harm our freedom.
GOD bless the USA.
- Peter Mathias