Friday, October 30, 2009

A few Good Men?

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a man I'll call Thomas. He has been increasingly frustrated with the way the country has been evolving. I agree, that our country has undergone changes from the early founding that are startling. The evolution has and will continue to limit our freedom and eventually our destruction if a correction does not take place. I'm positive that our founding fathers would be sick. They did know or foresaw then this kind of decay. They did make ready for it. We can correct, we are granted that liberty. But where to begin? For me I don't know where to consider. Thomas has some interesting Ideas on this and he soon will let those out to the public.

For me, the area that comes to my mind is my power to vote. I struggle with one basic problem. I've said before that I would like a true conservative and independent thinking person to be my representative and leader of the country. The issue I have is that in order to get to this position the person has to have a well recognized name, via Fame, Power or Influence. The trouble with that kind of a man or women is that they are already corrupted by what made them a house hold name. This kind of person usually has a high opinion of them selves. They are not running for office to make the country better but to increase their position in life to advance some agenda or simply to gain more power and influence.

I wish for a different kind of candidate. I want someone who will not be "changed" by Washington. I've recently learned how the "changing" occurs, from a good person to a corrupt politician. The Machine that is Washington with the over powerful two party system forces good people to conform to the party's rule / ways. This means that in order to get anything done a politician has to bend on their moral compass or compromise their focus or flat out change their original campaign promises. This then makes them conform to the age old saying there is no such thing as a good politician. For just a minute, Consider the best politician you know. What made them great? Please post and tell me your thoughts.

- Peter