Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Controlled inflation?

That old saying of mine is becoming dramatically true!
"The Dollar Today is worth more then the Dollar of tomorrow"

The Election of 2010 is clouding out the Fed's decision to print more money. I've wondered how once printed, how the government pumps money into the economy. They don't just give it away do they... Wait I guess they do in NO interest loans... Sorry off topic... They " $600 billion in bonds as hedge against deflation"1

Being no Economist, I didn't fully understand how the government prints money and gets that money into the economy. I had in my head the counterfeiter who runs down stairs prints some $100's to pay his land lord at the front door. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that the government actually does this, but how can they flood the economy with new printed money? I've recently been enlightened as to how they can backup the dump truck to the garage and fill it full of $100s. Buy Bonds! And when you need more bonds to buy, you simply print more and issue them. Great deal! right?

The interesting thing is that the decision does not say that the Fed will stop at 600 billion. It actually says that the Fed will "regularly review and adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability" ie it is open ended... 600 Bil is planned but it could go higher. 2

Ok, so what is the money supply right now... According to CNBC M1 stands at $1.773 trillion 3 or 1,773 billion. So if they pump 600 billion in that reduces the value of the dollar by.... 600/1773 or 33.84% (If any one is a math teacher or simply believes my math is wrong... do post a comment) Or a hair over 1/3 of the value of the dollar. So does that mean the Gold will go up by about 1/3? Lets see... As of this post Gold Spot price is $1354.36 per ounce... Once the government devalues the dollar by 1/3 the new price should be 1,800+ Lets see how fast it takes the dollar to get that bad...

From the first of 2009, I've seen in my purchasing, that about 1/3 of the dollar is already lost!! Then after doing some digging, sure enough the Fed has been buying bonds before... they have been making a bad habit of it. On March 19, 2009 it was reported that the Fed would purchase 300 billion + bad debit securities and other assets. 4 Again... printing more money and pumping it into the economy.

Those of you who know me know that I've been complaining that I've been seeing over the past year about a 1/3 reduction in the value of the dollar already... So it is already true! Price of Gold back on March 31 2009 was $922.60. If you add 1/3 to it, Guess what... it is almost what we have today ~$1,227.05 That is 1/3 IN LESS than one YEAR!!! it is already Proved!

OK... Don't panic.... just tell me what would be the best way to freeze my assets?! Send me your recommendations for dollar freezing. Gold? Silver? Food? Diamonds? Luxury Items? I heard one economist saying that it would be best to simply purchase Luxury Items. Buy your self a new Suit if that is what you like.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Everything is Still Beautiful!

You know its bad when the man who brought you "Everything is Beautiful" is now speaking out.

See his Fox news Interview:

Go Ray Stevens!


I can't wait till this comes out!

I think this would be great! I found this Video while searching for an alternative organization against AARP in the political Lobbing.



Who is in line after the US?

Interesting point was brought up today. "What happens if the US becomes a socialist state?" How many other countries would follow? One man believes it would be New Zealand.

For those of you who think that I'm just perrotting the mind numbed things on a certain someone's radio show, I don't hesitate to say, Yes, I did hear about him on the radio.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Governmental cuts!

I need some help everyone, Lets make a list of things to fully Cut from all budgets. I mean to DELETE them from the budget! Show me Federal, State and Local Items.

Food stamps
Federal Housing (Projects!)
New Home Loan programs
Fannie mae and Freddie mac
Any Bailout companies we currently "hold stock" in. GM etc.
Welfare programs of any kind
School lunch
FDA new House building Program (What is the FDA doing in housing?!)

School District Administration.
School lunch program
Chip (And any other health care insurance program)

Local Cites / Counties
"Help the poor" programs

The only things Government should spend money on:
National Defense
Transportation (Interstate Commerce) ie Interstates, Rail Roads etc.

Now it may seem from the list of programs that I have determined to stick it to the poor. The truth is that if you give money to people they will remain poor. If you motivate them to work then they will pull them selves out of the trouble they are in. It is actually oppression they are currently under. I purpose freeing them from the tyranny of welfare programs.

Help me add to this list! Post your comments.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Ground zero mosque

I just want to say, I believe in freedom of religion. Yet, Putting a Muslim house of worship next to a known radical Muslim attack is just bad form. There is a lot that is not against the law, Yet common sense says you don't do it. A mosque where they want to build it is bad for both sides, both for those who are "Good" Muslims and Christians. It causes fractures between people not building relationships. At some point the Society of the United States will say there is no such thing as "Good" Muslims. There is no proof of good will.

Some call it radical on our part, but the evidence is starting to pile up.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Human traffickers

Today when we think of human traffickers usually we think of illegal aliens coming to this country with lofty hopes of a better life for themselves and their children. Personally I have a hard time faulting them for going after a better life. But the way we as a nation are poorly handling immigration is the subject for another day. Right now I want to examine what, I worry, may become a new reason for smuggling humans across the border. With the passage of Obama care if we can't turn this around we will see the standards in health care drop through the toilet. I for one, don't think Obama has any intention of improving any thing for any one. It's only about power. I, of course, hope I'm wrong about all of this. If I am, the whole country will just go totally bankrupt, people will say “well that didn't work” and we might even try real capitalism as our next experiment. That, of course, could only happen if everybody were good, or at least honest. 'Trouble is that, as everyone who reads a news paper or listens to network news knows all republicans are, or at least vote for liars. And whenever a democrat is caught with his hand in the cookie jar so many democrats are heard saying “they all do it”. I get tired hearing that all political leaders are dishonest, but it occurs to me that if my democratic friends are right, and even if only some “do it”, then there are some out there who are dishonest, and some who will try to govern by force. As in, hiring thousands of IRS agents to force me, (and you) to buy health insurance.
Well, what will happen when a rich person notices that he is having to wait for care behind some “commoner”, poor person, middle class person or even another rich person? Oh yes, some of those rich people really do think their money should buy them a better deal, especially when doctors are throwing around words like cancer, or any other time sensitive condition. What will they do? They will go to a “private” health provider. A private provider will be a doctor who will violate the law by only taking patients who pay cash. It will be a lot like it used to be when abortion was illegal. You've heard of back alley abortions. Well in this case it will be all kinds of back alley medicine. Make that black market medicine. At first they will mostly get away with it, but as the bankruptcy catches up and the death panels and the rationing gets tight, people will notice. When that happens, we will be right back where we were before Obama care. “Health care is not a privilege. It's a right!” “Only the rich...” O K, so we went bankrupt for nothing. Not so fast! The same dudes who forced us to pay for all those IRS cops to look over our shoulders will force us to pay for medical police to arrest those evil, law breaking doctors. After they, the doctors get out of jail, they will move to Mexico, and set up practice there. Remember the wall or fence that those evil republicans neglected to build on the border? The democrats will build it. Not to keep anyone out! But to catch those evil rich people who cheat and go to where the doctors have gone. In this case they will be right about “walls and fences don't work”... at least not very well. So, more border guards will be needed. That, of course, won't work either, but they will try. Remember those full body scanners? When they realize that rich people are benefiting in any way from honest work they will remember the full body scanners, and since they are all ready there, the terrorists who want to get on a plane will have to wait while the US citizens returning are scanned. With these scanners (and more advanced ones) they will be able to tell if you have had so much as a pre-cancerous polyp removed. Personally, I have a pin and titanium screws in my shoulder, so I will carry “papers” proving that it's all pre-Obama hardware. I wouldn't want to be arrested for illegal medical purchasing. Oh, I will have papers on the polyp I had removed about ten years ago too.
Enter Human Traffickers. Today, even poor aliens can afford to get across the border. Do you think the Obama administration will be able to keep out rich citizens?

Clifford Low Resistance III

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Clifford Low Resistance III

For those who follow my blog, there is no need to be concerned that my blog was hacked. Clifford is someone to spice up the blog. His views are close to mine, yet I must say he waxes a bit more liberal than I do. We will have some fun!

Thanks everyone,

- Peter Mathias

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Randomness is a form of organization that we cannot understand, much less master. However, randomness is the most logical way one may expect to find … well, everything. It just makes sense that things will not be found in rows and columns unless they were heavily affected by some outside force. Randomness is peaceful. It doesn't waste energy. It adds a lot of variety, and beauty to the world. I find a lot of comfort in randomness. When I go looking for whatever I'm seeking I never know what is next, right around the corner. It could be what I want. More often it is what I need, and if I had known where to find what I wanted, I wouldn't have found what I need. The serendipity affect of research, holds that as we diligently seek the answer to one problem we won't find it until we have found the answer to one or more other problems.
If we are willing to surrender a little control, to... God, nature, randomness,-- whatever, then we will be amazed at the amount of patients with which we can face life. Personally, I seldom loose patience with randomness. I loose patience with that dude some where out there, who is responsible for those pop ups, phone calls, and junk mail. “Just mail the post paid card...” “If you weren't so stingy you would give me all your credit card numbers over the phone...” “Click here or your virus protection might get eaten by a shark...”
That reminds me. What is a virus? Does a virus have anything to do with randomness? The answer to that question, is Capital NO! Randomness and every virus out there have nothing in common – Unless randomness is the target. Of course organization also could be the target. When a virus hits it's target, you get chaos. Right here it needs to be pointed out that randomness and chaos also have no more in common than organization and chaos. Remember that “we can't understand” thing about randomness. I think that the original virus is what happened the first time someone thought he could usurp God's authority and tried to organize someone like me. It went very badly. Maybe, if enough of the right dudes would embrace randomness the word virus would disappear from the English language.

Clifford Low Resistance III

Randomness Page 2

When God created the earth, He used randomness with magnificent style. He put iron ore in Pennsylvania, coal in Kentucky, and fertile valleys hear and there. He could have put iron and coal in nice little stacks right next to each other, but He didn't. There are some things that don't come totally random . Snowflakes all have six corners, sides, … six of something and yet, all snowflakes are different. No two are alike.
Randomness versus organization is a big debate right now in government. Our current president seems to want to organize everything (especially me) to suit him self. It 's an old debate. It has been called free enterprise versus central planning. Central planning, is what they used to do in the former Soviet Union. Free enterprise is what we used to do here in the USA! It's what works. Now my fourth grade teacher (and all the others) told me that people that plan and are organized are happier and more successful. They were right' (sort of )... I think. They had a great lineup of examples. Everyone plans some, but I noticed that the real stars on that lineup prepared more than they planned. The problem with central planning is that it is usually is done by someone a thousand miles away (or more), with a long list of things you and I are too stupid to know how to do. The list of course includes, where to work, what to eat, what to drive, how to heat my home, how to light my home, even how to spend my own money. The list is endless. I don't know what makes them think they are so smart as to know my mind better than I do. They do claim to know that the world is going to flop out of it's orbit or something if I don't drive the right vehicle, or stop eating pigs feet. I really get tired of it.
The current president is right to blame the former president for the mess we are in. President Bush could have pushed a lot harder to stop the central planners from meddling in banking and other industries. If he had, the mess would be mostly over by now. Well by now, even if there never was a banking problem President Obama would have created one. Central planning doesn't work as well as free enterprise in terms of quantity. Few societies have ever created a middle class at all. The middle class in the USA is, well,... most of us. And what about the poor class? We have a poverty line, and there are a lot of people who we call poor. And they are more likely to be fat than members of the middle class. By historical standards the poor are those who are more likely to be thin, or in danger of starvation. Now quality, of course, is subjective, and more importantly depends on who you ask. Kings, presidents, and dictators, along with a few religious fanatics tend to favor central planning. It makes them feel powerful. It grows the poor class, and shrinks the middle class. It gives them more wealth, and their country less. It gives them first class soldiers with second class, or worse, armaments. No two nations with elected presidents have ever been at all out war, and unelected kings, presidents, or dictators who have gone to war recently with nations with elected presidents have had their “clocks cleaned”. And if we will, now, will reject central planning and embrace free enterprise they always will.

Clifford Low Resistance III

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Principles of Freedom

After some thought regarding our government and current political system, I wonder if it would be possible to have a candidate that stood for the Principles of freedom as defined by the declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Not one that is issue based at all. For example, If a reporter asked "Where do you stand on the issue of Abortion?" the response would be "I stand for the Principle that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life..." If Asked about health care the reply would be "At no time should our government step outside its mission to "form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." Any Government program that is not directly related to or apposes these principles should be dissolved or never considered. Health care should never be considered. Additionally, the phrase "Promote General Welfare" was a limitation placed on the government not to tax or support or make any program that would diminish the safety and well being of the people. NOT the excuse to have a free range of powers not numerated in the constitution. See words to this affect by one of the founders James Madison to James Robertson dated April 20, 1831.

Would you vote for a politician who took only stands on Principles of Freedom? And Refused to address "issues" designed to divide people and parties?


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just a Funny I saw.

Members of the Cult of Obama.... they aren't too bright, so I just play with them, like a cat does with a mouse....and when I get bored with them...well you know...

Credit: Blog HolyRoller Jun 23, 2009

I found this so funny I had to post it.
