Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Everything is Still Beautiful!

You know its bad when the man who brought you "Everything is Beautiful" is now speaking out.

See his Fox news Interview:

Go Ray Stevens!


I can't wait till this comes out!

I think this would be great! I found this Video while searching for an alternative organization against AARP in the political Lobbing.

See http://iwantyourmoney.net/


Who is in line after the US?

Interesting point was brought up today. "What happens if the US becomes a socialist state?" How many other countries would follow? One man believes it would be New Zealand.

For those of you who think that I'm just perrotting the mind numbed things on a certain someone's radio show, I don't hesitate to say, Yes, I did hear about him on the radio.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Governmental cuts!

I need some help everyone, Lets make a list of things to fully Cut from all budgets. I mean to DELETE them from the budget! Show me Federal, State and Local Items.

Food stamps
Federal Housing (Projects!)
New Home Loan programs
Fannie mae and Freddie mac
Any Bailout companies we currently "hold stock" in. GM etc.
Welfare programs of any kind
School lunch
FDA new House building Program (What is the FDA doing in housing?!)

School District Administration.
School lunch program
Chip (And any other health care insurance program)

Local Cites / Counties
"Help the poor" programs

The only things Government should spend money on:
National Defense
Transportation (Interstate Commerce) ie Interstates, Rail Roads etc.

Now it may seem from the list of programs that I have determined to stick it to the poor. The truth is that if you give money to people they will remain poor. If you motivate them to work then they will pull them selves out of the trouble they are in. It is actually oppression they are currently under. I purpose freeing them from the tyranny of welfare programs.

Help me add to this list! Post your comments.
