Friday, January 2, 2009

Obama Not a citizen?

How lame is this, After the election, we get the news from the courts that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States. That he has a "certificate of live birth" from Hawaii, Yet we don't have an actual birth certificate! It seems also that anyone can get a "certificate of live birth" from Hawaii. There are many who have been caught with such documents and clearly they were not born in Hawaii. 

Most famous: Berg v. Obama

I'll have to look this one up, but does that mean that we have Biden as president?

Peter Mathias

1 comment:

Ted said...


When counting the electoral votes, either Congress finds by 1/8/09 that Obama, not being an Article II “natural born citizen”, fails to qualify as President whereupon Biden becomes the full fledged President under 3 USC 19 (free to pick his own VP such as Hillary) or thereafter defers to the Supreme Court to enjoin Obama’s inauguration with Biden becoming only Acting President under the 20th Amendment until a new President is duly determined.

The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, should seem obvious.