Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party

I've never been one for Activism. However, the MASSIVE spending has to stop. Market Forces and standard business practices will finally win out. Large badly managed companies will and should fail. All this with out the government stepping in. 

Everyone was concerned about some “to big to fail” companies, yet there are more unemployed now then there would be if every business that had financial trouble failed. True, we may never fully know how many businesses and sectors of the economy would have suffered due to the collapse. However, I'm sure we would have been better off then we are now. The sick thing is; we most likely will still see the fall of these infected companies and sectors. The “Stimulus” has simply allowed us to remove the band aid ever so slowly prolonging the pain for generations.

It is time to stand and be counted in a way we have not seen for generations. I'm off to Join the "suits" at a Tea Party in Utah at Salt Lake City. 

WHEN: April 15, 2009 Noon-2PM
WHERE: Federal Building, 125 S State St., Salt Lake City
WHO: Everyone! Spread the word and email me to get a flyer to pass out. 
SPEAKERs: Attorney Gen. Mark Shurtleff, Rep Jason Chaffetz, Rep Rob Bishop, Author and Activist Candace Salima

Join the Silent Majority, Silent no more... 

- Peter Mathias

1 comment:

Thomas Rasmussen said...

So, did you have fun starting a "revolution"?