Friday, September 19, 2008

"I'm fuzzy on the whole good, bad thing..." -PV 1984

It has come down to the fight for your vote. So here is just one of the ways Obama's campaign is trying to influence your vote. Do you believe in the Bush doctrine?

Lets us not forget the real reasons for our authorized march to Baghdad. Ya that is right! We reserved the right to march to Baghdad after Saddam Hussein  invaded Kuwait and coalition forces pushed him out. 

Justification for our later march on Baghdad was not done lightly. There was enough evidence to convince a coalition of countries to stop Saddam Hussein from the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).  Step in the revisers to history, were there WMDs in Iraq? "No, it was all a Bush lie!" Look here, they say it on TV it must be true.

Shall we rehash? According to intelligence reports at the time there were in-fact WMDs in Iraq. There are many references.. here are a few: 

Full report:

British report:

Here is a good article that explains the basics including the end result of inconclusive evidence:

So ask your self this, Why would Saddam Hussein kick weapons inspectors out if he had nothing to hide? Pride? We know from his activities that Saddam wanted to appear more powerful then he was. He had to put up a good front. Do all of you remember the reports of the "Elite Republican Guard?"

The Iraq military promoted there strength. This was all done as a mater of posture in the region. We found that they were mostly a paper tiger on the march to Baghdad.  The trouble with all this posture, is that it worked. No mater if he had weapons at that time or not, he had used them before. And according to pictures from satellites he had facilities. The intelligence from sources coming out of Baghdad confirmed that the likelihood was very high that there were WMDs. How was the international community supposed to react? 

Did Iraq have WMDs? We still don't have good solid evidence. We have some indications that Iraq did. However, we also have some evidence that equipment and facilities were fakes. I'm reminded of the civil war fake out that was done to make the "enemy" think that there where more cannon protecting the front then there actually was. "Popularly known as ‘Quaker guns,’ these were usually nothing more than logs whose contours had been shaped to resemble full-size artillery pieces. Once the logs were painted black and mounted onto wheels, it was virtually impossible from a distance to tell them apart from the real McCoy."


Another disturbing fact was the possibility that Saddam was giving aid to Al-Qaeda. Senator Hillary Rodem Clinton said "He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members"

I realize that this is coming from Hillary and therefore you can't trust it to be true at all. 

No mater how you saw it at the time, would you have a President and a Country that would not react till we are attacked? Or would “clear and present danger” do? This is at the root of the "Bush doctrine" where if you have intelligence you can make a preemptive strike, avoiding the loss of American families? I want a President who will be wise, analyze the situation,  take action if need be, not wait for an attack before he does anything. Any good leader takes on him the risk of being wrong. That is what makes him a good leader. 

Today, the MSM (and incidentally the Obama campaign too) seems hell bent on proving that putting McCain in the white house would be "more of the same." Ok, I'm good with that... Oh wait "Bush is bad and we need to get rid of him." I forgot the mantra,  It seems even McCains own Campaign is trying to distance them selves from Bush. What a mistake... Long term history will look back at Bush with the kind of Nobility that is reserved for this Countries greats. They will say things like "W. stuck to his principles, consequences be damned." That is a real leader.

I morn that there are Americans who have forgot what actually happened in such a short period of time. 

-- Peter Mathias

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