Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

Personally, it is sad to me that people would choose a presidential candidate strictly because they are or are not a particular religion. I disagree with everyone out there that says that faith does not matter in an election. Verbal lather has gone back and forth on the issue of how it does in-fact matter. The fact is that bias exists. Do you see a Mormon on the ticket? For me and many Americans religion speaks to the character of a person. Some call it their upbringing. For example I agree with the family values that Romney would have brought to the ticket. Faith is apart of the man and can't be ignored. Would you want someone who does not believe in God to be President? Our country was founded by faith, to say now, that faith does not matter is a lie. 

It is unfortunate, but there recently have been Muslim extremists who have attacked the United States. The next President will have to continue to take a hard line against terrorists. It is hard to do so if those same terrorists happen to belong to your own faith. This would be true of any President. I would say it is especially true when that potential President is a wishy washy democrat. Where will the back bone be found? I would submit it is what they believe. Does it matter if Obama is really hiding his Muslim faith? Sure it does. 

Believing that the past big production over Obama's hiding of his Muslim faith was our own right wing extremists, I paid it little attention. That Obama truly slipped up on the interview (see clip) again was just another weak slanderous attack that are common in an election.  However, While doing some other reading recently, I ran across a quote about Muslim prayer and fount it interesting... When I saw where it came from a cold snap hit my brain.

Let me break it down for you. Obama we all know has a hard time speaking in public with out his teleprompter. That is not all bad, it is good to have your thoughts organized (even if it is someone else's thoughts) when your about to give a speech. When selecting a person to represent the USA it is important that we know what is at the core of the man. Does it matter what is going on in the mind of a presidential candidate? Many candidates try to show who they are by speaking "off the cuff" in town hall meetings. This way people get a better feel for the person, Obama does not do this. Why? Is it because what is in his head is something the American people would not like to know about? 

In step the quote: 

"...a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics -- and more likely to be aware of their nationalism -- if he once studied the Koran with them.

Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it'll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.'"See

Am I just a dumb white guy to think that most black guys would not be able to recite with first-rate accent the Arabic call to prayer? So when Obama is "off the cuff" he quotes an Arabic call to prayer? that news?

With all the scrutiny that the MSM and others have paid to Palin, why don't we know more about Obama's family / history? Why don't we know more about his so called Christian minister for 20 years? Why don't we know more about the charactor of the man who wants to lead our nation? He has given little slips here and there to lead me to belive that at a minimum he is friendly to those we consider to be terrorists and are at war with.

Do you know what kind of President Obama would be?

-- Peter Mathias

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are partly correct in your assumption. Most blacks are Christian. You will find some who have been recruited into the Nation of Islam when they were in jail. Or those who reject Christianity because it is a "white mans religion"