Friday, October 30, 2009

A few Good Men?

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a man I'll call Thomas. He has been increasingly frustrated with the way the country has been evolving. I agree, that our country has undergone changes from the early founding that are startling. The evolution has and will continue to limit our freedom and eventually our destruction if a correction does not take place. I'm positive that our founding fathers would be sick. They did know or foresaw then this kind of decay. They did make ready for it. We can correct, we are granted that liberty. But where to begin? For me I don't know where to consider. Thomas has some interesting Ideas on this and he soon will let those out to the public.

For me, the area that comes to my mind is my power to vote. I struggle with one basic problem. I've said before that I would like a true conservative and independent thinking person to be my representative and leader of the country. The issue I have is that in order to get to this position the person has to have a well recognized name, via Fame, Power or Influence. The trouble with that kind of a man or women is that they are already corrupted by what made them a house hold name. This kind of person usually has a high opinion of them selves. They are not running for office to make the country better but to increase their position in life to advance some agenda or simply to gain more power and influence.

I wish for a different kind of candidate. I want someone who will not be "changed" by Washington. I've recently learned how the "changing" occurs, from a good person to a corrupt politician. The Machine that is Washington with the over powerful two party system forces good people to conform to the party's rule / ways. This means that in order to get anything done a politician has to bend on their moral compass or compromise their focus or flat out change their original campaign promises. This then makes them conform to the age old saying there is no such thing as a good politician. For just a minute, Consider the best politician you know. What made them great? Please post and tell me your thoughts.

- Peter

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pull those Boot Straps

Economy they say... so what happens when people stop buying? In the Film industry that is bad! The bread a butter in the industry is people buying Entertainment. As a Technology Systems Administrator I felt that I would not have to worry as much as the guys in the box office who take calls or work on customer accounts. I managed all their equipment at multiple sites. So it was a surprise, the last day of May, when my boss called me in to his office and said "I have to let you go, and others on your support team." A bit of a Shock, but not too unexpected looking back logically. I remember my comment was "Are we done here, I've some work to finish." It didn't matter to me that I would not be there Monday. I would finish. I had done some planning for this event, I just didn't think I would have to go down this road so soon. I had my experience, I had my recent schooling.

I knew that this great country was headed for tough times due almost exclusively to the perception that was created over the past year that America was wrong somehow that we couldn't keep on growing. That we where living a dream. That we were on the verge of another Depression, because we didn't tax the rich enough. Yes, it is true that there is and was and will be bad business. Money Institutions had been pushed to lend to unqualified people. However, This still only represents a small percent of the actual economy. Even if there was an implosion of the money system. The Free Market never realty dies if you have 1 buyer and 1 seller. What happened to all those “Strong American leaders” and everyday flag waving citizens we had on September 12th. Focus on the future with bright a outlook and just as we find out selves here, we can find our selves there. Our own will can make it so.

A word to say to those who did nothing yet are in hard times... Remember the song by Lee Greenwood. Know that God does bless this great land if we remember him. Remember that you have something to offer, that you are someone. Never loose confidence in this Great Country. Because You are blessed to be an American! Pull up those Boot Straps Make something of your self. This is and always will be the Land of opportunity and freedom!

"If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life
and I had to start again
With just my children and my wife...

And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today.
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land.
God bless the U. S. A."

As for me, I went to work as a Systems Consultant. I'm happier today then I was then! To top it off; I already make more money then I did at my previous film company job. Look up America! This too is an Opportunity!

- Peter

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tea Party Pictures

Some one asked if I had fun, Sure I did!
There was so many people who were just every day people.  They all love this country and know that things have turned for the worse. We have to stop the socialism from truly hurting our founding fathers efforts to establish a free people. 

Cold snowed on People
It was cold, and it was rainy / snowy, But check out the turn out.

Filled a Salt Lake City Block
It was well worth the effort to be there. I hope we never forget our roots. When it comes right down to it we are still Americans who love freedom.

Don't tread on me flag
Check out the "Don't Tread on me" Flag! How Sweet it was to see that flag fly. 
It was nice to be alive.

- Peter

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party

I've never been one for Activism. However, the MASSIVE spending has to stop. Market Forces and standard business practices will finally win out. Large badly managed companies will and should fail. All this with out the government stepping in. 

Everyone was concerned about some “to big to fail” companies, yet there are more unemployed now then there would be if every business that had financial trouble failed. True, we may never fully know how many businesses and sectors of the economy would have suffered due to the collapse. However, I'm sure we would have been better off then we are now. The sick thing is; we most likely will still see the fall of these infected companies and sectors. The “Stimulus” has simply allowed us to remove the band aid ever so slowly prolonging the pain for generations.

It is time to stand and be counted in a way we have not seen for generations. I'm off to Join the "suits" at a Tea Party in Utah at Salt Lake City. 

WHEN: April 15, 2009 Noon-2PM
WHERE: Federal Building, 125 S State St., Salt Lake City
WHO: Everyone! Spread the word and email me to get a flyer to pass out. 
SPEAKERs: Attorney Gen. Mark Shurtleff, Rep Jason Chaffetz, Rep Rob Bishop, Author and Activist Candace Salima

Join the Silent Majority, Silent no more... 

- Peter Mathias

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still NOT in Recession?

Some have commented that I'm too upbeat, that after all we are starting the next depression. The sick thing is that we just barely will be able to call this massive down turn a "Recession." 

Lets quick review:
Definition of Recession: "...two consecutive quarters [6 months] of negative economic growth as measured by a country's gross domestic product (GDP)." 
(Note that 3 months is a Quarter so 6 months is the count)

Our US Current GDP: -6.40 % (Month 5  in a possible recession.)
See "Current Economic Indicators" at
(on the bottom of the page after the forecast)

Ya bad things happened and the market OVER reacted. Not to mention the TAX and SPEND of the government. Trillions later, and btw almost no real consumer stimulus as of today. Sure we have given so much to failing banks and car companies, oh and lets not forget the bailout of government sponsored housing. (doesn't that seem like double dipping, anyhow) The future of the GDP seems to be going positive... Imagine that... Businesses have failed in the past, so we chose to prolonged the agony and will have low GDP, little economic growth, and be on the verge of a real depression for the next 100 years but hey what do you expect. We live in an evil capitalist society.

I think some History in the classroom might be helpful. I smell a government program: "No child shall forget." Maybe we will not repeat this.

-Peter Mathias

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another Day

American Confidence needs to remain high. The best way to do this is to allow the free market to correct it self. Government "bail out" is the number One best way to destroy the American spirit. The most powerful way to hurt the economy. When a business is failing let it fail. This is the "wild" of the free market. As in the animal world there are those who win and there are those who lose it is the circle of life.  That is almost waxing green better watch that... Anyhow, lets get back to work our selves. Go back to school if need be! Get a better job! Get on with life and the pursuit of happiness.

-Peter Mathias

Friday, January 2, 2009

Obama Not a citizen?

How lame is this, After the election, we get the news from the courts that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States. That he has a "certificate of live birth" from Hawaii, Yet we don't have an actual birth certificate! It seems also that anyone can get a "certificate of live birth" from Hawaii. There are many who have been caught with such documents and clearly they were not born in Hawaii. 

Most famous: Berg v. Obama

I'll have to look this one up, but does that mean that we have Biden as president?

Peter Mathias