Thursday, February 17, 2011

Medical Insurance, We don't need Obama Care

Why is there a 1.5 hour wait at the Local ER? There are two main reasons I see.

1. People feel like "I've paid for Healthcare insurance, I'm going to get my money's worth." and 2. People with no insurance feel they can go to the ER to get basic medical care. IE (Illegal immigrants)

The trouble is that people are not using medical insurance as insurance. And Doctors and the Medical industry have become addicted to the “Easy money” that comes from Insurance companies. One might make a correlation to the consumer credit card addiction, except from the point of view of the Medical community and insurance companies.

This needs to fundamentally change both in mind and practice to a all cash system with catastrophic insurance for medical bills over 10,000. IE real "insurance" To goto a 100% cash paid for everything before 10,000. No I'm not talking deductible. I'm talking about having to file a clam in order to prove that the medial bill is more than the 10,000. Then the "Bad head ache, Lets go to the Emergency room." would simply not happen. The other issue simply needs to be that we don't provide FREE health care! Most importantly, Enforce the existing laws and make it uncomfortable for illegals to live here. I'm not saying there should not be some charity work, but you should go to the church for that not the hospital. Yes I realize that this would mean that the medical community would have to bend to the market demand like every other business out there. This would Improve care as they compete for my cold hard cash.

- Peter

1 comment:

sentinel said...

You do not seem to mind talking about the 2,000 pound gorilla in the room, me too. Like you, I believe third party reimbursement for every little thing has driven up the costs of medical treatment and the hi than traditional profits in the medical field. Keep up the fight, there's a lot of gorillas.