Education is the goal, Tell me what you think.
The Interesting thing explained in the video is how people believe that cutting spending will "hurt the Economy" The key is individual worth and work ethic. Breaking the bonds of government dependance. We must be willing to work for our selves. If a company can't pay, Keep working! Keep selling what you do or make. Use the Power of the Free market to continue beyond the governmental flaws. This way the government can spend less, and begin to pay off its debits fully Interest + Principle just like any good citizen. Government must SHRINK MASSIVELY. Yet continue to pay the debit as if it were still HUGE. (Again, just like any other person.) Cut all Government programs, Lower taxes on companies and wealthy people. Get Reaganomics working so that there is ALOT of tax money coming in. When I say cut programs, I want to be clear. Government is only to do the fallowing: "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare [As originally interpreted to meaning Trade], and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" ( I mean to clear cut the forest of programs and scorch the earth. If we don't do it, don't worry, The lightning will come and the fire will burn hot and do it for us. It may not be as clean but the only recourse would be to clear and plant again. I'm sure that is exactly what some people will try to do too. We then will have to stand up and say no! NO NEW DEALS! Get to work you bum! I know what it is like to be “down sized” It happened to me. It hurts the human spirit. NEVER give up! Pull on those boots, work for FREE! if necessary but Work! You will be found of value, then you can be paid. And for those few who really do have issues getting to work this is what private charities and churches are for. Again the focus should be on NO Dependency!!!
This Video is interesting as it shows how the world may cause the fire to start "over there" and cross the ocean as if it was not there. The Video show how over time economic decay happens. I see the underlying cause being people choosing to be government dependent and lazy regarding there own work ethic. Government is NOT the answer to anything except as listed above.
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