Saturday, December 24, 2011

How It is Always the Fault of the Evil West and the US. Hype?

Recently a family member sent me an Article that explained how the author came to grips with the fact that the Republican party was an evil organization and hiding facts from people. For example the author pointed out the 1953 coup in Iran that the US was involved in. That it was our own government and there secret organizations that caused the current Iranian mess.

Peter does not fall for such hype. Be aware that too much hype about anything, most likely would not be the whole truth. If right off, in any article / blog or video the presentation is extreme, you can discredit it as not the whole story. Secret organizations in government is known bad. See "Gadianton Robbers". That said should Government have Secrets? Yes. There are somethings that should not be known that bad people or organizations could take advantage of.

The Iranian history Part 1 of the whole story:

So the whole thing started when the Iranian Leader made a deal with a British oil exploration company. The Iranian leader had no way to know that it was such a bad decision at the time. How was he to know that Iran had so much oil? The Free market principles should have been allowed to continue. Would some government action be good. Sure, Maybe some transportation taxes to off set the natural resource leaving the country. You can keep the original agreement but make it harder to leave the country with out paying more for it. However, Nationalizing the Oil industry and seize assets that don't belong to you was a Communist solution. HUGE BAD MOVE! Iran broke their contract. Was the contract unfair to the people. Sure. Should it be renegotiated sure. However, did the British company have the right to keep the contract, as originally agreed to, in place YES!

Part 2 of the whole story:

Would it have been better to Accept Iran's solution to sell its oil to the US? This would make the US a Co-Thief in Irans move. The Answer was NO. Was the US decision to back the Shah in Iran bad? There is enough evidence to say looking back that it was a bad move too. Remember though, that after the world war ended the threat to national security was new. No longer was it a person or country it was a concept. "Communism" So it was that the US viewed the Iranian decision to Nationalize and take what was not theirs as an act that could not be supported and in fact actively apposed! Never mind that the Iranian Government may have been somewhere close to democratic at the time. They wronged the West in a big way. Now they paid.

Note that the Communism concept war in large part ended with the cold war and a strong President Ronald Reagan. Not to say that it does not still live, just is now in the background. Now we again have moved to a war based on a concept "Terrorism" I would submit that while it seemed to be a good idea, It is Dangerous again there is no Clear target! War Mongers and those who seek power love this. Will Iraq one day be another Iran? Will Afghanistan?

Learn History! it is bound to repeat itself. You can be prepared. Do it!


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