Friday, July 7, 2017

Men and Women designed by GOD

Why do we keep denying the God designed Nature of Men and Women?

The great Creator of the Universe created Man, Male, and Female, and gave them their nature and with agency previously given, we choose our disposition. When I say nature, I mean all the tendencies, positive, negative, and attributes that are part of being male or female. In saying this, I stress to the you that there are uniquely male and female traits that were designed into our bodies and minds. It is this “nature” that we start with to evaluate the world. It becomes nearly subcutaneous thinking, a reaction, given to the mind that we respond to. This is why by nature, girls play with dolls and boys play with Lego blocks. It is not taught, it is a part of the GOD given traits.

We are not animals, Who also have designed traits also yet I would submit that Children of GOD have a greater choice over how to react to their natures. Where animals really have little choice but to follow the instincts GOD put in them.

Enter the Philosophy of Man known by me to be the Leftist Philosophy: There is no GOD. And no right and wrong. ...every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime. (Alma 30:17)

The youth of today are being taught in Universities across America that there is no GOD. If no GOD then we are creatures and not bound by any male or female traits. Professors demand that students see male and female roles are imposed. Roles are taught by parents. There really is no difference between Man and Women. We should have just as many Women CEOs as Men. Therefore one sex has been oppressed from early history. Since men have dominated so many work environments, that this is a clear sign of male oppression.

We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. (D&C 121:39)  It seems to be due to pride and lack of gratitude to GOD men fall pray to what is being preached by the Left. Why could it not be that GOD made Men to provide and be in the workforce and Women to nurture and develop the children and leaders of tomorrow? Each position is no less important, and yes each has its own accomplishment and joy. Why don't Men and Women enjoy what GOD designed? Why do we not trust GOD knew what he was doing?

No Philosophy of Men will last. The Pride of the World will always will Fall. The philosophy it self recognizes that it is built on changing facts that there is no hard truth. This is in stark contrast to the rock on which has build the Civilizations of the world. Truth and right are real made by GOD, The Architect, Designer of men and worlds.


Acknowledge the God of this Land

The foundation of our American Society is a religious and moral people. Founding Fathers wrote as much:

You can't have morality without an authority on what is right and wrong. I often say, “I know there is an absolute right and wrong in the world.” When I say this, I testify of the reality that GOD exists and is the authority.

The Root of Leftist Philosophy: There is no GOD. And no right and wrong. ...every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime. (Alma 30:17)

When you deny GOD his proper place as the creator you sow the seeds of the destruction of the country in which you live. Elements of this showed up in the French Revolution.

America is the Land of promise. ...Whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ. (Ether 2:12)

My GOD forgive us, and may GOD still Bless America.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

I reached a point when I came to the conclusion that only the blessings of God preserve us. I'm still in shock that we elected and then re-elected Barack Hussein Obama. As we look to the future, I'm grateful that we have the chance to undo what has been done. Lets find a real leader. Please!?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How It is Always the Fault of the Evil West and the US. Hype?

Recently a family member sent me an Article that explained how the author came to grips with the fact that the Republican party was an evil organization and hiding facts from people. For example the author pointed out the 1953 coup in Iran that the US was involved in. That it was our own government and there secret organizations that caused the current Iranian mess.

Peter does not fall for such hype. Be aware that too much hype about anything, most likely would not be the whole truth. If right off, in any article / blog or video the presentation is extreme, you can discredit it as not the whole story. Secret organizations in government is known bad. See "Gadianton Robbers". That said should Government have Secrets? Yes. There are somethings that should not be known that bad people or organizations could take advantage of.

The Iranian history Part 1 of the whole story:

So the whole thing started when the Iranian Leader made a deal with a British oil exploration company. The Iranian leader had no way to know that it was such a bad decision at the time. How was he to know that Iran had so much oil? The Free market principles should have been allowed to continue. Would some government action be good. Sure, Maybe some transportation taxes to off set the natural resource leaving the country. You can keep the original agreement but make it harder to leave the country with out paying more for it. However, Nationalizing the Oil industry and seize assets that don't belong to you was a Communist solution. HUGE BAD MOVE! Iran broke their contract. Was the contract unfair to the people. Sure. Should it be renegotiated sure. However, did the British company have the right to keep the contract, as originally agreed to, in place YES!

Part 2 of the whole story:

Would it have been better to Accept Iran's solution to sell its oil to the US? This would make the US a Co-Thief in Irans move. The Answer was NO. Was the US decision to back the Shah in Iran bad? There is enough evidence to say looking back that it was a bad move too. Remember though, that after the world war ended the threat to national security was new. No longer was it a person or country it was a concept. "Communism" So it was that the US viewed the Iranian decision to Nationalize and take what was not theirs as an act that could not be supported and in fact actively apposed! Never mind that the Iranian Government may have been somewhere close to democratic at the time. They wronged the West in a big way. Now they paid.

Note that the Communism concept war in large part ended with the cold war and a strong President Ronald Reagan. Not to say that it does not still live, just is now in the background. Now we again have moved to a war based on a concept "Terrorism" I would submit that while it seemed to be a good idea, It is Dangerous again there is no Clear target! War Mongers and those who seek power love this. Will Iraq one day be another Iran? Will Afghanistan?

Learn History! it is bound to repeat itself. You can be prepared. Do it!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Debit crisis explained.

Education is the goal, Tell me what you think.

The Interesting thing explained in the video is how people believe that cutting spending will "hurt the Economy" The key is individual worth and work ethic. Breaking the bonds of government dependance. We must be willing to work for our selves. If a company can't pay, Keep working! Keep selling what you do or make. Use the Power of the Free market to continue beyond the governmental flaws. This way the government can spend less, and begin to pay off its debits fully Interest + Principle just like any good citizen. Government must SHRINK MASSIVELY. Yet continue to pay the debit as if it were still HUGE. (Again, just like any other person.) Cut all Government programs, Lower taxes on companies and wealthy people. Get Reaganomics working so that there is ALOT of tax money coming in. When I say cut programs, I want to be clear. Government is only to do the fallowing: "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare [As originally interpreted to meaning Trade], and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" ( I mean to clear cut the forest of programs and scorch the earth.  If we don't do it,  don't worry, The lightning will come and the fire will burn hot and do it for us. It may not be as clean but the only recourse would be to clear and plant again. I'm sure that is exactly what some people will try to do too. We then will have to stand up and say no! NO NEW DEALS! Get to work you bum! I know what it is like to be “down sized” It happened to me. It hurts the human spirit. NEVER give up! Pull on those boots, work for FREE! if necessary but Work! You will be found of value, then you can be paid. And for those few who really do have issues getting to work this is what private charities and churches are for. Again the focus should be on NO Dependency!!!

This Video is interesting as it shows how the world may cause the fire to start "over there" and cross the ocean as if it was not there. The Video show how over time economic decay happens. I see the underlying cause being people choosing to be government dependent and lazy regarding there own work ethic. Government is NOT the answer to anything except as listed above. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Medical Insurance, We don't need Obama Care

Why is there a 1.5 hour wait at the Local ER? There are two main reasons I see.

1. People feel like "I've paid for Healthcare insurance, I'm going to get my money's worth." and 2. People with no insurance feel they can go to the ER to get basic medical care. IE (Illegal immigrants)

The trouble is that people are not using medical insurance as insurance. And Doctors and the Medical industry have become addicted to the “Easy money” that comes from Insurance companies. One might make a correlation to the consumer credit card addiction, except from the point of view of the Medical community and insurance companies.

This needs to fundamentally change both in mind and practice to a all cash system with catastrophic insurance for medical bills over 10,000. IE real "insurance" To goto a 100% cash paid for everything before 10,000. No I'm not talking deductible. I'm talking about having to file a clam in order to prove that the medial bill is more than the 10,000. Then the "Bad head ache, Lets go to the Emergency room." would simply not happen. The other issue simply needs to be that we don't provide FREE health care! Most importantly, Enforce the existing laws and make it uncomfortable for illegals to live here. I'm not saying there should not be some charity work, but you should go to the church for that not the hospital. Yes I realize that this would mean that the medical community would have to bend to the market demand like every other business out there. This would Improve care as they compete for my cold hard cash.

- Peter

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Utah Sound Money Act

Go UTAH!!! I have read the 9 page act. And fully support it! This would give Utah tax payers a "shield" against those who would change the value of money.

As stated on other blogs "This bill does nothing to the federal government’s use of Federal Reserve Notes and monopoly over creating that fiat currency. This bill does not impose a gold standard, nor remove the dollar as a legal tender to be used in commerce. This bill does not do anything, really, other than increase the liberty of each individual to determine how they would like to engage in commerce, and with what currency."

And the brilliant part about it, so far as I can tell the only government worker who will be impacted is the Utah State Treasurer. There is no new government program, no new agency, nothing new to pay for. This is a NO brainier! It is just plain smart business. Economy failing due to currency issues would be resolved immediately!

So sweet I'm going to spread the word. We want this to pass!!!

Link to bill:

Poll shows people would like the option:
